Djarragun College

Djarragun College is an independent, Anglican, coeducational school which caters specifically for Indigenous students. The College promotes excellence in education with a strong emphasis on Christian values.

The curriculum at Djarragun College is holistic and varied. It is designed to achieve excellence in literacy and numeracy as well as to develop students' cultural participation and sporting prowess. The College also places great importance on students' emotional development, social conscience, values, self-discipline, tolerance and self-esteem.

Every day starts with values education which helps us to develop well-rounded students and contributes to improved behaviour throughout the school.

Direct Instruction was introduced in 2011 as the core of the school curriculum to ensure that all students become literate and numerate.

In addition to English and Mathematics, the school offers a range of accredited academic subjects in Primary School through to Senior School. From year 10 onwards there is also a focus on vocational education and training to develop students workplace skills and help them make the transition to the workplace.

The College has a rich tradition of dance, music, arts and sport which are integrated into the school curriculum. The school also has a Wilderness Centre which offers opportunities for camps and outdoor education activities. Boarders at Gordonvale and Wangetti campuses also have the chance to go on trips to local attractions as part of their school life.
